Long time LMS star Hong “Karsa” Haoxuan made the decision to leave LMS region after his 4 years of serving in it. Karsa spent 3 years in Flash Wolves where he made his name internationally with his fierce jungling style, and was elected as the jungler for LMS dream team at 2017 All-star event this year by fans. Before he departed LMS for Los Angles, the Flash Wolves hosted a big farewell ceremony – check out the highlights:

In his interview with Taiwan media, Karsa revealed that he will be playing for another region next year:

I’m always winning in LMS, so I want to see if I can win in other regions too.

Karsa will be a boost of power on any team he joins next year, but the rumors going around the Chinese scene suggests he will be joining an LPL team. During the ceremony, cyo dropped hints, saying the Karsa’s new team has a “G” in their name. In any other region that might be a dead giveaway, but not in China – 8 out of the 12 LPL teams contain a G.

This afternoon, in a wechat moment shared by fans, VG’s CEO Hunter replied:

(translation)hope Karsa didn’t go to that team! Please choose wisely——op


It wouldn’t be a total surprise if Karsa ended up in RNG, since RNG’s former head coach, currently General Manager for Overseas division, Firefox, comes from the LMS region. Even though he hasn’t worked in LMS since 2015, he’s always been concerned about its talents. Dog8, current assistant coach for RNG, was one of his players when he was coaching LMS before being brought over to LPL. The LMS region has been known of lack of big investment among the 5 major regions; it would be certainly be a big step for Karsa to get out there and search for better opportunities.

This does beg the question – since RNG’s current starting jungler Mlxg is roaring at All-stars, and has done a good job in the past splits, if Karsa indeed ends up in RNG like Hunter suggested, what will be the split between Mlxg and Karsa’s stage time?

Can another jungler in the roster keep Mlxg from going MLXD?